UCLA Urban Humanities Initiative
Winter 2021
Prof. Robert Irwin + Partners Maha Benhachmi + Carrie Gammell
Prof. Lucas Reiner + Heather Seybolt

These are two workshops completed separately but simultaneously through the UHI winter quarter. Both focus on a form of narrative expression and how we share what we have experienced with others.

The fist workshop Digital Storytelling focuses on the story of Monce and his time coming to America and working with chimpanzees in CA. It's a moving podcast that touches on the relationship between Mexico and America as well as humans and how we treat our environments and others.

The second workshop Filmic Sensing focuses on working with students to create short films and learning how to see. The first film was meant to focus on the life and existence of a tree while the second was our own covid-19 living.

If you want to know more about the UCLA AUD UHI program please follow this link.

Digital Storytelling

Filmic Sensing